Quercus virginiana, also iconically known as the southern live oak ... Large evergreen oak native to southeastern United States ..... Many other Oak species are loosely called live oaks , the southern live oak is particularly iconic of the American "Old South" .... Splendid avenues of these can be seen in old plantation homes like the famous "Oak Alley" featured in many movies & documentaries from the horrific Slave days & southern cotton farms ... I was lucky to Visit Oak Alley in the 1980s , the double avenue of Live Oaks starts near the Mansion and follows to the Mighty Mississippi River Banks where Paddle Steamers once berthed for a cargo of Cotton and other trade ... Making a huge spreading shading crown , with a magnificent large trunk .... This evergreen species ,with its unique small leathery leaves grows better with time into a very large tree ... South-Eastern USA ... Family: Fagaceaeย