Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Pine)

Yamina-Rare-PlantsSKU: WolNo14
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Size: 14cm pot
Sale price$85.00
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(Wollemi Pine)A large monoecious tree to 40m tall,with single trunk when young,and spongy,nodular bark;older trees often have multiple trunks from coppice shoots.Leaves opposite or sub-opposite,4-ranked,long-persistent,retained until whole branches are shed,narrowly oblong,to 4cm long on adult shoots.Cones borne at the ends of the shoots,the females to 12.5cm long,breaking up when ripe.Since the first two trees were introduced to the Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew in 1997 this exciting discovery has been widely planted in british gardens where young specimens of 3.5m are not uncommon,esspecially in warm sheltered sites.Australia(New South Wales).

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