A decumbent to errect shrub 1-4m tall,native to A ustralia:New South Wales,Victoria,Tasmania.It is found between 1,100 and 2,030m on rocky,alpine to subalpine,terrain and ridges,sometimes down into wet sclerophyllous forest of the Great Dividing Range where it can reach 4m tall.The branhces range from completely prostrate to spreading or upright,usually very numerous and densely foliaged.The buds are small,globose,1-2mm wide,the scales broad,triangular with spreading tips.The leaves are densely,radially arranged,stiff,shiny dark green above and grey-green beneath(from the 2 stomatal bands),persisting for 3 years or more,linear-oblong to almost oval,4-16mm long and 4-5mm wide,sessile,with a rigid rounded tip,midrib on upper surface of leaf flat or slightly grooved, on lower surface slightly raised.