Helleborus niger Otto Lemper

Yamina-Rare-PlantsSKU: HelNiOtLe20
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Size: 20cm pot
Sale price$115.00
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Botanical Name:  Helleborus niger 'Otto Lemper'

Common Name: Christmas Rose

Family: Ranunculacea

Origin: Cultivar developed from species native to mountainous regions of central and southern Europe.

- Growth Habit: Perennial, evergreen herbaceous plant forming clumps.
- Height: Typically grows to about 30-40 cm tall.
- Spread: Can spread to about 30-40 cm wide.
- Foliage: Leathery, dark green, deeply divided leaves. The foliage provides year-round interest.

- Bloom Time: Winter to early spring.
- Flower Description:  Large, saucer-shaped flowers that are pure white, sometimes with a greenish tinge as they age. Each flower is about 5-8 cm in diameter.
- Fragrance: Generally not fragrant.

Growing Conditions:
- Light: Prefers partial to full shade. Can tolerate some morning sun but should be protected from harsh afternoon sun, especially in warmer climates.
- Soil: Well-draining, humus-rich soil. Prefers neutral to slightly alkaline pH but can tolerate a range of soil types if well-drained.
- Watering: Regular watering is necessary to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry periods. However, avoid waterlogging.
- Climate: Hardy to frost and can withstand cold winters. Suited for cool to temperate climates in Australia. In hotter areas, ensure it is planted in a cooler, shaded spot.
- Maintenance: Low maintenance once established. Remove spent flowers and damaged leaves to promote new growth and prevent disease.

- Garden Uses: Ideal for shaded garden beds, woodland gardens, and underplanting for deciduous trees. Makes a beautiful winter interest plant.
- Container Gardening: Can be grown in pots or containers, provided they have good drainage.
- Cut Flowers: Flowers can be used in floral arrangements for winter displays.

- Division: Best propagated by division of clumps in early autumn or after flowering in spring.
- Seed: Can also be grown from seed, though this is a slower method and may not come true to the parent plant.

Pests and Diseases:
- Generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, watch for slugs, snails, and aphids. Overly wet conditions can lead to root rot or fungal diseases.

Special Notes:
- All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested. Handle with care, and keep away from pets and children.

By following these guidelines, Helleborus niger 'Otto Lemper' can thrive in Australian gardens, providing beautiful winter blooms and evergreen foliage.

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